Community Works Blog
Getting Prepared: Seven Key Lessons from Remote Community Visits
Taking the time to plan out your visit is pivotal to meaningful community engagement built on mutual respect.
Making MEL easier
Monitoring Evaluation and Learning, often called MEL for short, is the practice of collecting and analysing data on a project or program.
Getting it right in the design of community processes
When designing a workshop or similar process with a community, what’s the key to getting it right?
Framing matters in community engagement
While good practice in community engagement can be achieved through applying certain principles and strategies, what has struck me
Practising community-led development
On the face of it, community-led development ought to be straight forward. A group of people with common interests decide on
The nuts and bolts of strengthening community organisations
Many years ago I had the opportunity to work with communities of Quechua-speaking people in the high Andes of the north of Peru
Key ingredients for effective community research
We have had a positive experience working with two community groups to design and conduct research on topics they consider important.
‘We are not researchers’ – Making M&E accessible
The increasing need for evidence of the impact of investments in social development, health and education programs places pressures on
Applying place-based approaches to strengthen social and community support systems
Place-based approaches shift the focus of development practice from projects and programs to place, meaning a particular sub-national