Develop Strategies

Strategy is about choices. In the social and community sector, the ultimate impact of a project, a program or an organisation depends on the right choices being made at the outset. We use a range of participatory methods to ensure that full consideration is given to the evidence for each available option. Community Works is a specialist in logical framework, theory of change, outcome mapping, collective impact and a range of other tools for strategic development.

Build plans for the future based on assets, gaps, opportunities and priorities.

Principles and Practice of Social Enterprise

A training program focused on the Principles and Practice of Social Enterprise was developed earlier this year by Community Works.

Management coaching and strategic advice

Enterprise Learning Projects (ELP) works in partnership with remote Aboriginal communities to create opportunities for people to achieve their aspirations for economic participation.

Training for impact in disaster-affected communities

Community Works produced a publication for BasicNeeds entitled ‘Training for Impact’, which tells the story of a training program on mental health and development that was conducted in Sri Lanka during the weeks after the Asian Tsunami and subsequently replicated within the country and extended to Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Support to effective policy and practice in social services

The Government of Paraguay is seeking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its social services.