Community Works is an innovative consulting group that exists to help community sector organisations achieve the best results for the individuals, families and communities they serve.
Capacity Development
Project Design, Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Research and Communication
Leadership for Social Development
Working with the Northern Rivers Social Development Council, Community Works offers a series of half-day training sessions on Leadership for Social Development.
International Centre For Social Franchising In Australia
Helping successful organisations to scale up. There are numerous social and community organisations whose success has been evaluated and proven.
More Effective Organisations
Community Works is a small company dedicated to supporting organisations that work in challenging community and development settings.
Community Mental Health
Community Works represents BasicNeeds in Australia. We are delighted to be partners to the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre and to enjoy ongoing collaboration with Orygen
Improving Services
Organisations are frequently seeking to improve the services they offer. Areas of focus for improvement include
The Community Works team is highly experienced in designing and conducting evaluations. We are often asked to advise on approaches to evaluating complex projects and programs.
Much of the work we do on project design starts with an organisation seeking to address a problem or meet a need. Shortcomings in services are a good example
How can effective community engagement best be achieved? What is a sensible starting point for a development project?
Backroad Development
How can effective community engagement best be achieved? What is a sensible starting point for a development project?
Research for Improved Outcomes
Community Works has a strong commitment to and belief in the value of research for improving development practice and results
Development Communication and Publications
Formalising and documenting good practice is fundamental to effective organisations. We often work with partners and clients to help them work out exactly what works best for them.