Earlier this year our Community Works Team had its yearly Christmas celebration. It was difficult to put all the calendars together and find a date where we all could be at the same place, at the same time. So, we decided the best time of the year for this was mid January, and gathered on a lovely sunny day in Melbourne for a yearly meeting, followed up by a social gathering including family and kids; ice-cream, a few drinks and pizzas. It was such a great opportunity to catch up with fellow team members, families… and meet new babies!
Community Works exists to help organisations working on community-oriented projects and programs to improve the quality and result of their activities. The company started in 2008; although, our Director, Steve Fisher, had been doing similar work for several years prior to that.
Our team consists of a very talented group of people with different skills, knowledge, experience and backgrounds. We gathered at a meeting room booked at the Abottsford Convent for a change, and discussed about all the different projects we have engaged in this year.
The impact of the work we do at Community Works is growing through partnerships, new and existing regular clients; as well as, by developing a close relation with other development organisations and NGOs.
This year we hope to develop new partnerships, sign new agreements, keep working with our regular clients and to continue to contribute to great results and programs of high positive impact at local, national and international levels.
A group from RACI visiting the Akeyulerre Healing Centre with ELP in Alice Springs