Leadership for Social Development


Working with the Northern Rivers Social Development Council, Community Works offers a series of half-day training sessions on Leadership for Social Development. The program covers six key topics for leaders in the field of social development. They are practical and challenging, providing a blend of definitional content, key tools and techniques, case studies and examples. The topics are:

Leadership frameworks for social development

This session explores frameworks relevant to the community sector, assess their pros and cons and work with participants to arrive at a suitable approach to effective leadership for social development.

Making funding proposals fly

How can we prepare powerful proposals that really capture what we want to achieve and the difference it will make? This session provides concepts, words, phrases and methods for achieving better proposals.

The many faces of community engagement

Most people in the community sector practice community engagement. But how can we locate our way of doing things within a broader understanding of the subject? This session explores theory and practice around the way professionals engage with communities.

What impact is; how do we know it when we see it?

Ever pondered on outputs, outcomes, monitoring, evaluation and impact? All services, project and programs need to show what they are achieving. This session defines and describes the language of impact assessment and approaches to achieving it.
Navigating social enterprise

A session to introduce the concepts that underlie social enterprise and what makes it distinctive from other ways of thinking about projects, programs and services.

Scaling for success

A great idea or a successful project ought to benefit people in more than one location. So what are the options for achieving that? This session considers approaches to increasing the scale of an organisation’s work and introduces social franchising and one method.

Through the series, participants will gain:

  • An overview of each topic, with clearly-drawn boundaries and definitions
  • Knowledge of the key tensions and challenges in each topic area
  • Insights and methods relevant to their practice
  • Advice and opinion on effective approaches in each case.

We anticipate that participants will be professionals in the community sector with existing or future leadership roles.