Support to effective policy and practice in social services

Support to effective policy and practice in social services in Paraguay


The Government of Paraguay is seeking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its social services. As part of this initiative, Community Works is facilitating a project that commenced in May 2012 and is managed by GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation.

As one component of the project, a senior delegation from the Government of Paraguay will participate in a study tour to Australia to gain exposure to service models and methods. The program includes:

  • Training workshops on coordination and decentralisation of services
  • Visits to State, Federal and local government service agencies, focussing on services in remote and regional Australia
  • A seminar on ‘Services and local government; critical success factors in achieving results’, with invited speakers from academic institutions and professional associations
  • A colloquium on ‘Critical factors in improved service coordination in Paraguay’ in which the findings of the delegation will be presented and discussed.

Community Works is wishes to thank the many individuals and organisations in Australia who have offered to contribute their knowledge to the project. In the follow-up phase, the project will provide support to participants to implement their ideas within their own departments and services.